12th Annual Conference

12th Annual Workshop

The twelfth annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy will take place at the University of Glasgow, Scotland on December 11-12, 2024.  Guest host and editor – Carl Knight

The workshop will honor Richard Arneson.  All speakers are invited. 

Confirmed speakers include:

Richard Arneson (University of California, San Diego)
Amy Berg (Rice University)
David Brink (University of California, San Diego)
Paula Casal (Pompeu Fabra University) 
Dale Dorsey (University of Kansas)
Anca Gheaus (Central European University)
Kathryn Joyce (Ohio State University)
Carl Knight (University of Glasgow)
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University) and Peter Vallentyne (University of Missouri) (co-authored paper)
JP Messina (Purdue University)
Dana Nelkin (University of California, San Diego)
Tom Parr (University of Warwick) and Andrew Williams (Pompeu Fabra University) (co-authored paper)
Theron Pummer (University of St Andrews)
Nicholas Vrousalis (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Steven Wall (University of Arizona)



University of Glasgow, Scotland


General Workshop Info

Workshops for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy (currently) alternate between two formats. In most years, the speakers are mainly selected by blind review of submissions.  Occasionally, the speakers are all invited. A typical program will have eight papers. While we aspire to create an inclusive and diverse group of conference speakers and attendees, and while we may sometimes encourage particular people to submit to the conference, we are also committed to blind refereeing of papers.

Workshops tend to take place in Tucson, AZ, but occasionally they are hosted elsewhere in the United States and Europe.

Papers selected for presentation at the Workshop are not guaranteed to be published in the resulting volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. The Editors and our Board referee the workshop papers. Typically, papers require some changes for publication, and sometimes we reject a paper from the volume. Additionally, sometimes we invite a small number of promising non-workshop papers for possible inclusion in the volume (after refereeing). Because space in the volumes is limited, typically final versions of papers are limited to 12,000 words. 

Starting in 2017, the Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy (which has a $5,000 honorarium) will be awarded every two years by blind refereeing to the best submitted-paper for the annual workshop that we receive from someone within fifteen years of completing his/her dissertation. 

While our home institutions may sometimes provide partial funding for the conference, typically we fund a significant portion of each conference from our own research budgets. As a result, conferences are not lavish affairs and no financial help is available to conference attendees. Conference speakers, commentators, chairs, and attendees should plan to fully pay their own way for the event.